SIRIO 370 3F

SIRIO 370 3F is a heavy duty manual vertical saw, mitre cutting from 0° to 45° right and from 0° to 60° left. Recommended for general workshop and production sawing applications.

  • Suited to cut high-resistance steel, the version with electronic Inverter widens the cutting possibilities, from stainless steel to brass and copper.
  • Primary transmission with pulleys and cogged belt, final reduction in oil with bronze crown gear. Vice with adjustable guides, free to move alongside the worktable, with quick motion and clamping, anti-burr adjustable device.
  • Easy stops at 0° and 45° left, adjustable length stop.
  • Blade spindle with 40 mm diameter. Blade-cleaning nylon brush.
  • Floor stand with removable chip collector and coolant tank; coolant electro-pump.
  • Cutting capacity at 90 °, round till 120 mm., square till 100 mm., rectangular till 180×100 mm.

Technické informácie

Názov Jednotka Hodnota
Rozsah uhlového rezania ° -45 / 90 / +30
Rezný rozsah pri 90°: kruh / štvorec / štvorhran mm. 120 / 100 / 180x100
Rozmer pílového pásu mm. 370
Výkon motora pásu KW 1.5 / 2.2 or 3 ESC
Rýchlosť pílového pásu mt/min. 15/30 or 15 ÷ 70 ESC
Nádrž na chladiacu kvapalinu Lt 40
Rozmery ( š x d x v ) mm. 810x1020x1850
Výška pracovného stola mm. 925
Hmotnosť Kg 390
Typ fungovania manual
Vhodné na rezanie: Steel / cast iron / high-strength steels

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