Automatic circular saw suited to cut aluminium,light metal solids and profiles with high accuracy. Possibility to set the machine for brass and copper profiles.

  • Mitre cutting from 0° to 45° left and right.The head bends 45° on the vertical axis to allow inclined cuts.
  • Easy stops at 0°, 15°, 30°, 45° left and right. Hand-wheel to lock the head on all angles, graduation engraved on the worktable.
  • Electro-pneumatic functioning, hydraulic control of the down-feed speed of the head.
  • Electronic driver with programming of all operations by means of the keyboard.
  • Manual selection of the cutting length with digital reading and decimal nonius.
  • Pair of front pneumatic vices with quick clamping, free to move alongside the worktable, vertical pneumatic vice.
  • Feeder with 200 mm opening, maximum stroke 520 mm, minimum stroke 4 mm (minimum scrap-end 355 mm); selection of the number of cuts (1-9999) and the feeder strokes (1-29) by means of the keyboard.
  • Cast iron head avoids vibrations. Additional vertical pneumatic vice guarantee a perfect material locking.
  • Cutting capacity at 90 ° round till 120 mm., square till 105 mm. 200×80 mm.

Technické informácie

Názov Jednotka Hodnota
Rozsah uhlového rezania ° -45 / 90 / +45
Rezný rozsah pri 90°: kruh / štvorec / štvorhran mm. 120 / 105 / 200x80
Rozmer pílového pásu mm. 350
Výkon motora pásu KW 3600
Rýchlosť pílového pásu mt/min. 3600
Motor hydraulickej jednotky kW
Nádrž hydraulickej jednotky Lt
Nádrž na chladiacu kvapalinu Lt 40
Rozmery ( š x d x v ) mm. 1800x1300x1800
Výška pracovného stola mm. 930
Hmotnosť Kg 590
Typ fungovania semiautomatic/automatic
Vhodné na rezanie: Aluminium and light alloys

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